Product Review: LUSH T for Toes

Don’t we think about our feet much more often in the summer? They’re more visible, thanks to sandals and peep-toe shoes and so on. (I personally like to ignore the existence of flip-flops, barring a trip to the beach.) However, this greater exposure also means that they go through extra wear and tear, not to mention sun and heat.

If you’re able to maintain a strict pedicure regimen all summer, more power to you; but the really important things are, first, to apply sunblock to those poor, hard-working appendages, and second, to keep them as cool and comfortable as possible.

One of my favorite foot-specific products is T for Toes, a loose powder from LUSH. I’ve purchased it several times over the years. It’s basic and effective and (nearly) all natural, and one canister lasts for months. I like to sprinkle a bit of T for Toes on my clean, bare feet in the morning—a little goes a long way in eliminating stickiness and slipperiness. (You could also dust some T for Toes directly into your shoes before putting them on.)

The main moisture-fighting ingredients in T for Toes are the kaolin (a type of clay, in powdered form), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda!), and various powdered botanicals. T’s zingy, tart scent comes from a blend of tea tree oil and lime oil. (I think I can also detect some lemongrass in there.) It’s a nice alternative to mainstream deodorizing products with overpowering, synthetic “powder fresh” or “shower clean” scents.

What are you wearing on your feet this summer, for footwear or footcare? Feel free to share in the comments!

Images: toes of the Statue of Liberty, via Wikimedia Commons; product photos by Tinsel Creation.

Disclaimer: this product was sent to me for consideration and/or review by LUSH.

2 thoughts on “Product Review: LUSH T for Toes

  1. When I was dancing professionally, I had to keep my toes covered all the time–they weren’t pretty. Those lovely pink satin shoes wracked havoc on them. But now that I don’t dance en pointe as frequently and my feet had a chance to revive, I’ve become a foot maniac. I keep them groomed and polished all year round.
    Now I only need to find a Lush stores around here.

    1. Poor little feet! I’m sure they appreciate all the care you’re lavishing on them. Of course, they probably took pride in all the hard work they did for the dancing, too! x

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