Passing Fancies ~ February 2017


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Reading: Patti Smith’s M Train (a Christmas gift from Mr. TC)

Video: “The People vs. O. J. Simpson”

Audio: Our nephew’s recent “School of Rock” concert — lots of classics!

Drink:  Kona coffee that our friend C. brought back from a Hawaii vacation

Continue reading “Passing Fancies ~ February 2017”

Passing Fancies ~ January 2017

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Reading: Another Tana French novel — The Secret Place

Video: The final season of “Sherlock”

Audio: This week, lots of Bauhaus (see “Pleasure,” below)

Drink:  Some bottles of lambic that a friend brought over as a New Year’s Day gift

Continue reading “Passing Fancies ~ January 2017”

Passing Fancies ~ December 2016

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Reading: For something light, the 1930s mystery novel Death on the Cherwell by Mavis Doriel Hay

Video: We finished watching “The Crown” but haven’t moved on to anything else yet.

Audio: I’m listening to lots of Cocteau Twins albums I haven’t played in ages.

Drink: Brooklyn Roasting Company coffee. Also, plotting some hot mulled wine for an upcoming gathering.

Eats & Treats: Rose- and lavender-infused chocolates from Shane’s Confectionary.

Garb: A black down-filled coat. Now I look just like every other woman in NYC, but now I also understand why they’ve all been wearing these puffy coats for the past decade. It’s a game-changer. I didn’t realize how cold I really was until now.

Beauty Products: Lots of CeraVe and Aquaphor for dry, chapped skin. Tarte Amazonian Butter Lipstick in Tulip and Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush in Achiote to cheer up my face on cloudy winter days.

Pleasure: A recent weekend escape to Philadelphia with Mr. TC

Worry: Will I ever finish writing my Christmas cards?

Stray Thought: Yes, recent events on the world stage and national politics have been horrible, but 2016 was a good year in other ways.

Images: Kate Greenaway, Almanack for 1891, via New York Public Library Digital Collections.